Assessment and Accreditation Council
The Assessment and Accreditation Council advises on and facilitates matters related to:
- The ongoing, systematic cycle of assessing student learning at the program-, unit-, and school-level; and
- The University's reaffirmation of accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission.
Started in 2008, the Assessment and Accreditation Council (AAC) is a group of academic and administrative leaders appointed by the provost and charged with facilitating the University-wide effort to assess student learning outcomes in the undergraduate and graduate curricula and co-curricula. In 2015-16, a subcommittee developed a strategic framework for assessment to articulate an institutional strategy for student learning assessment within 宅男福利导航's decentralized structure.
Co-chaired by leadership from the Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching, the AAC ensures that school- and unit-based approaches to assessment of student learning are aligned with the institutional strategy and supports efforts to track progress toward institutional goals for student learning assessment. School representatives on the AAC share with each other valuable insights to consider as each school advances its assessment of programmatic student learning outcomes. AAC members are the primary channels for disseminating assessment best practices by championing assessment in their school and unit communities. Additional information about student learning assessment at 宅男福利导航 can be found on the Searle Center's Assessment and Curricular Change website.
In addition, the AAC serves as an advising body for the University's reaffirmation of accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission. 宅男福利导航 was reaffirmed for accreditation in July 2015 and will undergo its next comprehensive evaluation for accreditation in 2024-25. More information about 宅男福利导航's accreditation process can be found on the University Accreditation page.
Council Members
- , Co-chair; Senior Director of the Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching
- , Co-chair; Assistant Director, Equitable Assessment, Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching
- Rob Aaron, Executive Director of 宅男福利导航 Affairs Assessment and Planning, 宅男福利导航 Affairs
- , Chair of the Faculty Senate’s Educational Affairs Committee; Senior Lecturer and Director of IMC Full-Time Program, Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications
- , Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Advising; Professor of Instruction, Department of Performance Studies, School of Communication
- , Associate Dean of Undergraduate Engineering; Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
- , Manager of Institutional Analysis, Administration, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
- Debbie Crimmins, Senior Director of Institutional Research, Office of the Provost
- , Director of Pedagogy and Assessment, Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching
- Celina Flowers, Assistant Provost for Faculty, Office of the Provost
- , Director of Teaching and Learning Technologies, 宅男福利导航 Information Technology
- , Head of Instruction and Curriculum Support; Librarian for Latin American and Latinx Studies, 宅男福利导航 Libraries
- , Professor and Director of Academic Integrity and Appeals, Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications
- , Associate Dean, Degree Operations; Clinical Assistant Professor of Management, Kellogg School of Management
- , Assistant Dean for 宅男福利导航 Affairs, Bienen School of Music
- , Associate Dean for Education, Professor in Residence, 宅男福利导航 University in Qatar
- Alison Lanser Phillips, Business Systems Analyst, Office of the Registrar
- , Registrar, Pritzker School of Law
- , Assistant Dean for Program Evaluation and Accreditation; Assistant Professor, Medical Education, Feinberg School of Medicine
- , Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Assessment, Administration; Professor of Instruction, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
- , Associate Vice President for Information and Analytics
- Mearah Quinn-Brauner, Assistant Provost for Strategy and Policy, Office of the Provost
- , Director of Academic Affairs, The Graduate School
- , Associate Dean for Innovation and Program Development; Director and Assistant Professor, Master’s in Learning and Organizational Change Program, School of Education and Social Policy
- , Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs; Professor of Instruction, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
- Susan Beth Wesner, Assistant Dean of the Undergraduate and Credit Programs, School of Professional Studies
- Lee West, Director for Undergraduate Education, Office of the Provost
- Hilary Zimmerman, Director for Diversity Initiatives, Evaluation and Assessment, Institutional Diversity and Inclusion