Green Houses and Apartments
When looking for a new apartment or house, here are a couple questions to ask landlords to determine your new home's green features.
Save water
- Does the shower have a low-flow showerhead? If not, can one be installed?
- Is the toilet a low flow toilet?
- Are any of the faucets or pipes leaking? If so, how fast is the repair time?
Conserve energy
- Do the windows, doors, and walls provide good insulation? Are there any cracks?
- Do the windows have curtains or shades to provide extra insulation during the winter? If not, can they be installed?
- Is there good natural lighting in the unit?
- Do the lights have CFL or LED light bulbs? If not, can they be installed?
- Can the heat be controlled in individual units?
- Is there a programmable thermostat in the unit?
- Do the washing machines offer cold-water washing?
- Is there a place to hang clothes while they air dry?
- Is the hot water heater insulated?
- Are the kitchen appliances efficient? Are they ® certified?
Reduce waste
- Does the building offer recycling?
- What can/cannot be recycled?
- Can composting be done on the premises?
Travel sustainably
- Is there a bike room or rack?
- Is the building near public transportation options (bus stop, CTA stop)? The 宅男福利导航 shuttle? A car sharing service?
Purchase consciously
- How close is the building to grocery stores? To locally-sourced produce?