Internal Assessment Resources
Assessment & Planning SharePoint Site
, available only to NU staff in 宅男福利导航 Affairs or campus partners. Please consult with the SA Assessment & Planning Team for assistance.
Searchable Survey Item List ("Helper of Helpers")
Curious about the various questions that are asked in our student-facing surveys? (available only to NU staff in 宅男福利导航 Affairs or campus partners). Then, contact our team to request a dashboard of survey items related to your topics of interest.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Many of our research studies must have IRB approval prior to the data collection process. This website provides more information:
NOTE: Please consult with the SA Assessment & Planning Team for assistance before filing an IRB protocol on your own.
Institutional Research, 宅男福利导航 University
The mission of the Office of Institutional Research is to collect, integrate, and analyze institutional and external data to support institutional decision-making, planning, and policy development. The annual 宅男福利导航 University Data Book, a summary of official statistical information, is available on their website.
University-wide survey software tool available to all 宅男福利导航 staff, faculty and students.
NOTE: Please consult with the SA Assessment & Planning Team before sending out any survey related to 宅男福利导航 Affairs departments.
Tableau Server
View your Assessment Reports from this dynamic online interface (NU community members only).