Identify the area of the neighborhood you want to live in
Think about safety
Consider where the nearest transit stop, bicycle storage, grocery store, ATM, gas station, parking, doctor, police/fire station, and laundromat is located.
Find Your Perfect Place
Visit Places4宅男福利导航 for listings
Look for "for rent" signs and postings on campus and around Evanston
Attend the ASG Fall and Winter Housing Fairs at Norris
Ask the Landlord
Is there parking?
Which utilities are included in the rent?
Who are the neighbors?
Will your landlord take care of repairs and maintenance promptly?
Understand Your Lease
Read your lease carefully, making note of any clauses or provisions that you don't understand.
Compare your lease to the or Make note of anything that seems to be missing, or lease clauses or provisions that seem to conflict with the Ordinance/Model Lease.
For instance, the new ERLTO requires landlords to provide a list of the reasonable expenses that any fee charged, such as a Move-In or Application Fee, will cover.
Don't see that list? Ask for it! Think the list contains items not related to the fee's purpose? Ask about it!
Be ready to ask your landlord to explain anything you don't understand, and to help you reconcile the differences you observed when you compared documents.
A good landlord will take the time to ensure your understanding.
Inspect the Residence
Walk through the property before signing
Record property conditions in the Property Checklist available on our website
Take and e-mail pictures to the landlord to avoid unnecessary costs when moving out