Only 宅男福利导航 Organizations & University Departments may advertise on Norris TV.
Norris University Center has the right to review, approve, and reject content if ads are deemed inappropriate.
Norris University Center has the right to disallow and take down any ads.
Ads may not include any inappropriate language or images.
Ads may be rejected based on conflict of interest with Norris University Center.
A Chart String or SOFO account number is required to process advertisements.
Each ad will begin Monday morning (8 AM) at the opening of Norris Center and will end at the closing of Norris Sunday evening (12 midnight) of that week.
Advertising on the Norris TVs is only open to 宅男福利导航- associated entities: 宅男福利导航 Organizations and University Departments.
Advertisers must design their own advertisements. Norris Center is unable to edit or adjust files.
Cost of advertisements is non-negotiable.
Each 宅男福利导航 Organization & University Department is limited to one advertisement per week.
If Norris Center is unable to run reserved advertisement due to a technical or other problem, 宅男福利导航 Organization/University Department will not be charged.
Advertisements will appear on all seven TVs in the Norris Center, unless request to be placed on certain TVs is made by requestor.
TV Advertisements files should be JPEG and 16:9 Ration, 1009 pixels x 567 pixels to properly fit in the screen.
Print Ad Policies
Print Ads can currently only be reserved by University Departments
Norris University Center has the right to review, approve, and reject content if ads are deemed inappropriate.
Norris University Center has the right to disallow and take down any ads.
Ads may not include any inappropriate language or images.
Ads may be rejected based on conflict of interest with Norris University Center.
Print Ads run for one week only- Monday to Sunday
Print Ads are based on first come first served- Only one department may reserve each print ad space.
Print Ads must be delivered to the Norris Admin office by the Thursday before the Monday the ad is set to run.
Advertisers must design their own advertisements. Norris Center is unable to edit or adjust files
University departments are responsible for printing their own ads.
Chalkboard Policies
The chalkboard, located on the First Floor of Norris, is available for use by registered student organizations and University Departments on a first-come, first-serve basis. No reservations are accepted and no cost is associated with using the chalkboard.
Individuals may not erase the chalkboard unless the event advertised on the chalkboard has already passed.
Only chalk is allowed for use on the chalkboard. Items should not be taped anywhere on or near the chalkboard. Taped items will be immediately removed and disposed of.
Registered student organizations and University Departments are expected to bring their own chalk. Norris University Center will not provide chalk for use on the chalkboard.
Norris University Center has the right to erase content that is deemed inappropriate.
Norris University Center has the right to disallow and erase and information put on the chalkboard.
The chalkboard may not include any inappropriate language or images.
The chalkboard may be erased based on conflict of interest with Norris University Center.