To report a concern, please visit 宅男福利导航's Hazing Prevention site.
For the complete definition of hazing as defined by 宅男福利导航 University, please visit the .
Below is the policy as written in the handbook, as well as Illinois State Law as it pertains to hazing.
宅男福利导航 University 宅男福利导航 Handbook
It is the responsibility of all students/student organizations to encourage an atmosphere of learning, social responsibility, and respect for human dignity and to provide positive influences and constructive development for members and aspiring members. 宅男福利导航s/organizations are expected to use good judgment to determine the abilities of individual students as they relate to organization activities and requirements.
If a healthy team or organization is being created and the values and purpose of the organization are being upheld, chances are the organization will not have to worry about whether or not an activity is hazing. Hazing leads to dysfunction within the organization and is ineffective at creating teamwork, respect, and unity, and it is an unproductive and hazardous custom that is forbidden by the University.
Hazing is defined as...
...any action taken or situation created, intentionally or unintentionally, whether on or off University premises and whether presented as optional or required, to produce: mental, physical, or emotional discomfort; servitude; degradation; embarrassment; harassment; or ridicule for the purpose of initiation into, affiliation with, or admission to, or as a condition for continued membership in a group, team, or other organization, regardless of an individual’s willingness to participate. Acceptance of or consent to an activity on the part of a new member or individual does not justify an individual, organization, or group’s sponsorship of the activity.
Such actions and situations may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Any physical abuse expected of or inflicted upon another, including paddling, tattooing, or branding in any form;
- Any strenuous physical activity expected of or inflicted upon another, including calisthenics or physical training as punishment;
- Creation of excessive fatigue, sleep deprivation, or interference with scholastic activities, including late night work sessions, meetings, or sleepovers;
- Physical and psychological shocks, including line ups, berating, verbal abuse, threats, and name calling;
- Sexual violations or other required, encouraged, or expected sexual activity, whether actual or simulated;
- Prolonged exposure to severe or inclement weather;
- Periods of silence or social isolation;
- Kidnapping, road trips, abandonment, scavenger hunts, or any other involuntary excursions;
- Wearing of uniforms or apparel that is conspicuous and not normally in good taste;
- Engaging in degrading or humiliating games, activities, stunts, or buffoonery; including requiring, encouraging, or expecting individuals to carry, possess, or maintain objects or items;
- Requiring or compelling the consumption of liquid (including alcohol), food, drinks, or other substances;
- Servitude or placing another in a position of servitude, including requiring, encouraging, or expecting a new member to do the tasks of, or to do tasks for, an experienced member, or to address members with honorary or formal titles;
- Taking, withholding, or interfering with an individual’s personal property;
- Falsely leading an individual or individuals to believe that they will be inducted or initiated by participating in particular activities;
- Depriving an individual of any privileges of membership or affiliation to which one is entitled;
- Removing, stealing, taking, or damaging public or private property; and
- Requiring, encouraging, or expecting individuals to participate in activities that are illegal or unlawful or are not consistent with the group’s mission or values or the policies of the University, including the 宅男福利导航 Code of Conduct.
State of Illinois Hazing Law
Hazing is illegal in the State of Illinois.
(720 ILCS 120-50)
Sec. 12C-50. Hazing.
(a) A person commits hazing when he or she knowingly requires the performance of any act by a student or other person in a school, college, university, or other educational institution of this State, for the purpose of induction or admission into any group, organization, or society associated or connected with that institution, if:
(1) the act is not sanctioned or authorized by that educational institution; and
(2) the act results in bodily harm to any person.
(b) Sentence. Hazing is a Class A misdemeanor, except that hazing that results in death or great bodily harm is a Class 5 felony.