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Alexandra Araujo Gonzalez, LCSW, CCTP, CDVP

Associate Director of CARE

Associate Director of CARE


Phone: 847-491-1370

Strengths: Relator | Adaptability | Competition | Ideation | Achiever

Alexandra Araujo Gonzalez is the Associate Director of the Center for Awareness, Response, and Education (CARE). Joining 宅男福利导航 University in August of 2024, Alexandra is passionate about the provision of trauma-informed, survivor-centered services to students and campus-wide advocacy for appropriate responses to relational and sexual violence. 

Having graduated from Arcadia University with her BA in Biology with a Forensic Science concentration, Alexandra saw her interests pivot following her time with the Vira I. Heinz Program for Women and Gender Minorities in Global Leadership. As a member of their cohort, Alexandra assisted in the creation of a community awareness event centering a global and local understanding of trafficking aimed at countering media myths. From there, Alexandra received their AM in Social Work from the University of Chicago wherein she self-specialized in Trauma and completed the inaugural Trauma-Informed Care Workshop.  

With seven years of experience in survivor-based services, Alexandra has participated in a variety of clinical and advocacy-based services including but not limited to providing therapy, medical advocacy, and crisis counseling services to survivors of relational and sexual violence; organization of awareness events such as vigils and speak outs; and organization and provision of training events. She has also previously worked with the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Violence as a member of both their People of Color and LGBTQ+ Staff Committees – wherein the safety and accessibility of services was addressed. 

In her free time, Alexandra focuses her attention on creative pursuits. She is a published horror writer, costumer, and amateur artist.