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New iBuyNU tips and reminders

Searching for Items

  • When searching for items in iBuyNU, you have the option to refine your search criteria to decrease the number of search results.
  • In the search drop down box in iBuyNU, you can select a category for the item you are looking for.  This will significantly improve your results.
  • Quick Find is another option that will allow you to improve search results.  Quick Find allows you to search a specific supplier real-time catalog by part number.

Logging into iBuyNU

  • Please remember to log into iBuyNU based on your profile.  If you are a requester and click on the Shopper link in the NUPortal, you will not be prompted with button to Checkout.
  • Accessing Punchout Catalogs
  • Many of us take advantage of the federated search functionality in iBuyNU.  Please note that if you do need to access a suppliers punchout catalog, you can access by clicking on Suppliers, locate the supplier and click on the gray circle which will route you to the suppliers catalog.

If you have any questions, please contact Keith Paddy at 847.467.6963 or k-paddy@northwestern.edu.

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